While we were in Roswell last month, Mike spent some time listening to the presentation of a guy named Don Ray Walton, a self-proclaimed alien/human hybrid who had hooked himself up to a car battery and kept not shocking himself to prove that he is half alien. I have transposed (word for word including random punctuation, capitalization and mispellings) the intro to his second book at the end of this post.
I also found his bio on the Galde Press ("Quality Books that Make a Difference") website:
Don Ray Walton was born in Idaho Falls, Idaho. He was home-schooled until he was 16 because weird things always happened when he was around other children. In 1954, his mother was abducted by aliens and impregnated. Don was born the following year. When he was a child, strange visitors would take him onto spacecraft to examine him and teach him to understand what was happening to him as he grew older. At the age of ten, he learned how to use electricity to jam the aliens’ tracking implants in his head.

By Don Ray Walton
Please Note
That this book you are about to read will not be revealed as fact or fiction in order for those that read it to determine The real truth by the gift of their own free will. Our main goal is to let you the audience make the decision and decide weather or not you choose to accept the knowledge by your reasoning alone. Hint? Some names in this story may be factious in order to protect their true identities.
By the power of reason you can determine the truth of the matter by the matter in question. The answer is the truth of the truth behind the question? The question here is what is the Truth? To exist is to have purpose. To be of purpose you must have a reason for your existence in the first place.